That those who are the HAPPIEST are the ones who think of other people first

Been on this earth long enough to know that the most important lesson that life has to offer anyone is - that no amount of material things can ever make any person TRULY happy.

That those who are the HAPPIEST are the ones who think of other people first - regardless of their status in life.

MOST (not all) young people (and even adults) won't be able to grasp that concept - heck, I didn't either.. but it's a fundamental truth that each one of us should come to terms with if we really want to live a life that is most fulfilling.

We are at an age where our values are centered too much on SELF-LOVE. There's nothing wrong with loving yourself but too much self-love tends to pull you inward and away from the communities around you.

And if you think about it, most of the world's problem are rooted on too much self-love. Climate Change is one of the best example that's on the top of my mind.

The remedy, therefore, is to try to think of others first:

☑️The next time you throw your trash on the street

☑️The next time you post something online

☑️The next time you think of doing something

THIS MESSAGE GOES DOUBLE TO EVERYONE WHO HAS THE CAPACITY TO INFLUENCE THE MOST PEOPLE. You know the drill - greater the power, greater the responsibility.
